White-eye eating all the red berries

plum blossoms and white-eye

Spring pink cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye

A white-eye came to eat red berries

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura

White-eye and Kanhizakura


Japanese white-eye







A Japanese white-eye resting on a plum tree

White-eye and plum blossoms

Cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye

White-eye and plum blossoms

White-eye and plum blossoms

A Japanese white-eye perched on a branch

Japanese white-eye

Japanese white-eye

White-eye and plum blossoms

A Japanese white-eye perched on a winter reed 1

Japanese white-eye

Plum blossoms and Japanese white-eye

Cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye

Cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye

Cherry blossoms and a Japanese white-eye (Sakujiro) drinking nectar

Kawazu cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye 2025-2

Plum blossoms and Japanese white-eye

A Japanese white-eye perched in a winter grove

White plum blossoms and Mejiro (Jonangu Shrine, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City)

Japanese white-eye

Japanese white-eye

White-eye and plum blossoms

Japanese white-eye perched in winter grove 2

White-eye and plum blossoms

White-eye and plum blossoms

Cherry blossoms and a Japanese white-eye (Sakujiro) hovering and drinking nectar

Cherry blossoms and a Japanese white-eye (Sakujiro) jumping out

Japanese white-eye

Japanese white-eye

Japanese white-eye

A Japanese white-eye perched on a branch

A Japanese white-eye facing the sun to warm itself

A Japanese white-eye perched on a branch

Japanese white-eye

Kawazu cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye 2025-3

Japanese white-eye plum Yushima Tenmangu Shrine

Cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye

White-eye and plum blossoms

A Japanese white-eye resting on a branch

White-eye and plum blossoms

Kawazu cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye 2025

White-eye and Kawazu cherry blossoms

White-eye and Kawazu cherry blossoms

White-eye and plum blossoms

Japanese white-eye

Plum blossoms and Japanese white-eye

A Japanese white-eye perched on a winter reed 2

Japanese white-eye

White-eye and plum blossoms

Japanese white-eye

Japanese white-eye

White-eye and Kawazu cherry blossoms

A Japanese white-eye sucking nectar from plum blossoms

A Japanese white-eye sucking nectar from a camellia

Camellia and Japanese white-eye

A Japanese white-eye resting on a camellia

A Japanese white-eye with camellia pollen on its beak

Plum blossoms and Japanese white-eye

A Japanese white-eye comes to drink nectar from the Kanhizakura cherry blossoms

A Japanese white-eye resting on a loquat flower

A Japanese white-eye sucking nectar from plum blossoms

Spring white-eye, rear view

The back of a Japanese white-eye resting on a branch of Kawazu cherry blossoms

A Japanese white-eye peeking out from between cherry blossom petals

A Japanese white-eye doing a handstand on a cherry tree

Blooming cherry blossoms and a Japanese white-eye

A white-eye desperately wants to drink nectar from cherry blossoms

A Japanese white-eye sucking nectar from the Kawazu cherry blossoms in full bloom

White-eye and plum blossoms

Japanese white-eye and plum blossoms

A Japanese white-eye surrounded by cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms and Japanese white-eye

A Japanese white-eye resting on the branch of a Kawazu cherry tree

Spring White-eye

A Japanese white-eye resting on the Kawazu cherry blossoms in full bloom

A Japanese white-eye with cherry blossom pollen on its beak

A Japanese white-eye resting on the blooming Kawazu cherry blossoms
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