Astilbe leaves


Astilbe 2

Chinese herbal medicine, Hochu-ekki-to raw materials 1

Chinese herbal medicine, Hochu-ekki-to raw material 2


Astilbe 01

Astilbe 02

Astilbe 04

Astilbe 03

Masu-ma (herbal medicine)

Let's expose

Renge goshoma

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Rengeshouma Lotus flower Summer flower

Rengeshouma Lotus flower fairy

Rengeshouma Lotus flower

Anemonopsis macrophylla 2

Kirenge shōuma

Rengeshouma at Mount Takao

Cimicifuga serrata flower

Bud of a long-ranged ginger that blooms in the sunbeams

Sarashima Shouma 1

Astragalus blooms in the sunbeams

Astragalus blooms in the sunbeams

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Kirenge shōuma

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees


Astragalus blooms in the sunbeams

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Bud of a long-ranged ginger that blooms in the sunbeams

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Bud of a long-ranged ginger that blooms in the sunbeams

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Good night in Heisei no Mori

Cimicifuga bitern leaves

Rengeshouma 3

Rengeshouma 2

Rengeshouma 4

Rengeshouma 5

Rengeshouma 1

Rengeshouma 6

Rengeshouma 7


Anemonopsis macrophylla flower

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Anemonopsis macrophylla seen from above

Renge goshoma 14

Lianhua cohosh

Lianhua cohosh

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Good night in Heisei no Mori

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Good night in Heisei no Mori

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Good night in Heisei no Mori

Cimicifuga bitern flowers

Anemonopsis macrophylla smiling in the sunlight through the trees

Renge goshoma

Sarah Zinnia flowers

Anemonopsis macrophylla dripping

Transparent beauty Anemonopsis macrophylla

Astragalus blooms in the sunbeams

Renge shauma

Anemonopsis macrophylla


Bud of a long-ranged ginger that blooms in the sunbeams

Forest Fairy Anemonopsis macrophylla

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Anemonopsis macrophylla

Astragalus blooms in the sunbeams

Cây gai dầu Lianhua

Forest Fairy Anemonopsis macrophylla

Anemonopsis macrophylla (vertical composition)

Anemonopsis macrophylla flower

Forest Fairy Anemonopsis macrophylla


Cimicifuga bitern flower

Rengeshouma and Tiger Bumblebee

Rengeshouma and Tiger Bumblebee

Rengeshouma and Tiger Bumblebee



Rengeshouma and Tiger Bumblebee

Renge goshoma

Rengamesho 5

Rengameshuma 18

Rengameshuma 21
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