Naruko Township of Autumn Leaves

Naruko-go with a refreshing blue sky and vivid autumn leaves

Naruko-go with a refreshing blue sky and vivid autumn leaves

Naruko-go with vivid autumn leaves and beautiful valleys

Naruko Township of Autumn Leaves

Naruko-go with autumn leaves

Naruko Township of Autumn Leaves

Naruko-go with vivid autumn leaves and a refreshing blue sky

Naruko-go with vivid autumn leaves

Naruko Township of Autumn Leaves

Naruko-go with a refreshing blue sky and vivid autumn leaves

Naruko-go with vivid autumn leaves

Naruko Township of Autumn Leaves

Naruko Township of Autumn Leaves

Naruko Township of Autumn Leaves

Naruko-go with vivid autumn leaves

Naruko-go with refreshing blue skies and bright autumn leaves

Naruko Gorge: Vibrant autumn foliage and a refreshing mountain stream

Vibrant autumn foliage at Naruko Gorge

Vibrant autumn foliage at Naruko Gorge

Naruko valley of autumn leaves

Naruko-go with a refreshing autumn sky and vivid autumn leaves

Vibrant autumn leaves and refreshing autumn skies in Narukogo

Vibrant autumn foliage at Naruko Gorge

Vivid autumn foliage in Narukogo

Bright autumn leaves and diesel cars

Vibrant autumn foliage and the Otani River in Narukogo

Naruko valley of autumn leaves

Naruko Valley of autumn leaves

Naruko-go with vivid autumn leaves

Naruko-go with vivid autumn leaves

Naruko-go with refreshing blue skies and bright autumn leaves

Scenery of the foot bath at Naruko Onsen Scenery of the foot bath location

Scenery of the foot bath at Naruko Onsen Scenery of the foot bath location

Scenery of the foot bath at Naruko Onsen Entrance to the foot bath area

Scenery of the foot bath at Naruko Onsen Scenery of the foot bath location

Scenery of the foot bath at Naruko Onsen. The foot bath source exit.

Scenery of the foot bath at Naruko Onsen Entrance to the foot bath area

Foot bath at Naruko Onsen Station A view of the permanent foot bath at the station

Scenery of the hot spring source of Naruko Onsen

Scenery of foot bath at Naruko Onsen Shimo Jigoku hot springs foot bath

Scenery of foot bath at Naruko Onsen Shimo Jigoku hot springs foot bath

Scenery of foot bath at Naruko Onsen Shimo Jigoku hot springs foot bath

Scenery of foot bath at Naruko Onsen Shimo Jigoku hot springs foot bath

Scenery of foot bath at Naruko Onsen Shimo Jigoku hot springs foot bath

Kokeshi monument at Shinkawado Bridge

A winter mountain landscape with a clear distinction between miscellaneous trees and cedars

Naruko Gorge Kokeshi Monument of the local specialty Kokeshi

Kokeshi monument at Shinkawado Bridge

Phone booth buried in snow

Phone booth buried in snow

Naruko Gorge Kokeshi Monument of the local specialty Kokeshi

Kokeshi monument at Shinkawado Bridge

Scenery of Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge and Rikuu East Line

Narrow road Yukemuri line that goes through Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

Vibrant autumn foliage at Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Miyagi Naruko

Naruko Dam

Naruko Dam

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

Naruko Dam

Autumn leaves Narukokyo

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge Retro Bridge

Naruko Dam

Naruko, one of the famous spots for autumn leaves in Miyagi

Naruko Gorge in Spring

Autumn leaves and bridge in the mountains

Naruko Gorge

Naruko Gorge

Naruko Gorge seen from the valley

Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Narukokyo

Colorful blue sky and autumn leaves

Mikaeri Bridge and Autumn Leaves

Naruko Gorge and Rikuu East Line

Autumn leaves in the mountain stream

Autumn leaves

Naruko Gorge

Naruko Gorge Rikuu East Line

Autumn leaves in the canyon

Autumn leaves of Narukokyo

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

One side of autumn leaves


Autumn leaves of Narukokyo

Scenery of Naruko Gorge and Ofukazawa Ohashi in autumn colors

Autumn leaves of Narukokyo

Autumn leaves of Miyagi Naruko

Autumn leaves of Narukokyo

Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves at Naruko Gorge

Autumn leaves of Naruko Gorge

Pashari the bridge from below

Autumn leaves
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