Red spider lilies on the rice terraces

Red spider lilies on the rice terraces

Red spider lilies on the rice terraces

Red spider lilies on the rice terraces

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura rice terraces and red spider lilies

Tsuzura Rice Terraces in Ukiha City

Tsuzura Rice Terraces in Ukiha City

Tsuzura Rice Terraces in Ukiha City

Tsuzura Rice Terraces in Ukiha City

Autumn Tsuzura Rice Terrace

Tsuzura Rice Terrace and cluster amaryllis

Autumn Tsuzura Rice Terrace

Tsuzura Rice Terrace and cluster amaryllis

Autumn Tsuzura Rice Terrace

Autumn Tsuzura Rice Terrace

Tsuzura Rice Terrace and cluster amaryllis

Tsuzura Rice Terrace and cluster amaryllis

Autumn Tsuzura Rice Terrace

Autumn Tsuzura Rice Terrace

Tsuzura Rice Terrace and cluster amaryllis

Blue sky and cluster amaryllis

Looking up at the rice terraces

Tsuzura rice terraces

Tsuzura Rice Terrace and cluster amaryllis

Tsuzura Rice Terrace and cluster amaryllis

Saga's Tsuzura Rice Terraces

Saga's Tsuzura Rice Terraces

Saga's Tsuzura Rice Terraces

Blue sky and cluster amaryllis

Rice terraces

Tsuzura Rice Terraces in Ukiha City

Tsuzura Rice Terraces in Ukiha City

Rice terraces

Blue sky and rice terraces

White cluster amaryllis blooming on terraced rice fields
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