nấm cục

Truffle làm 3

Truffle làm 10

Truffle làm 7

Truffle làm 2

du khách nước ngoài 2 với một bánh bao

khách du lịch nước ngoài với một bánh bao 4

Mitarashi dumpling

Bánh bao nấm

Truffle làm 4

du khách nước ngoài 3 với một bánh bao

Trăng tròn và trăng hoa nhồi 2

Truffle làm 1

Truffle làm 8

Unpleasant period

Truffle làm 9

Truffle làm 5

Truffle làm 6

Dango / Japanese sweets / food

Ohagi Tsubuan Ohigan Obon

Trà xanh Annuni

Bánh bao Booty. 02

moon viewing decoration

Dango / Japanese sweets / food

Cherry blossoms and a big zunda dango

Mitarashi dango 4

Mitarashi dango 6

Mitarashi dango 3

Mitarashi dango 2

Cherry blossoms and zunda dango

Mitarashi dango and tea④

Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dango 5

Dango / Japanese sweets / food

Mitarashi dango and tea⑤

Mitarashi dango and tea①

Mitarashi dango and tea③

Ba màu bánh bao


Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dumplings

Minato Mirai Dumpling Soup

6 dangos

Mitarashi dumplings

Grilled skewers

Three-colored dumplings, an image of Hinamatsuri

Three-colored dango and flower decorations

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dumplings

Brown sugar syrup, kinako flour, and shiratama (left margin)

Brown sugar syrup, kinako flour and shiratama (rice flour dumplings)

Hanami Dango

Three-color dango 7

Three-color dango 2

Three-color dango 4

Three-color dango 5

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dango 6

Three-color dango 3

Beautiful pink cherry blossom dango


Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Cherry blossoms and three-colored dango

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dumplings

Three-color dumplings

Gorgeous dumplings without skewers

Cherry blossoms and three-colored dango

Cherry blossoms and three-colored dango

Mitarashi dango tea

Mitarashi dumplings

Mitarashi dango tea

Multiple three-colored dango

Multiple three-colored dango

Multiple three-colored dango

A hand holding a tricolor dango in the middle of eating it

Sesame balls

A hand holding a tricolor dango in the middle of eating it

Three-color dumplings

Hands holding three-colored dango

Three-colored dango in a pack

Hands holding three-colored dango

Mitarashi dango 01

Mitarashi dango 02

Zunda dumplings and a golden rug

Eating shiratama dango (hand on left side)

Mitarashi dumplings

Flowers are better than rice cakes-003

Eating shiratama dango (hand on right side)

Dangojiru (dumpling soup) is a famous local dish of Oita Prefecture.

Simple Shiratama Dango with nothing on top

Flowers are better than rice cakes-004

Shiratama dumplings (with kinako and brown sugar syrup)
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