Sapporo, 3 Little Dancers in a row

Mountaintop plants and starry sky

Starry sky (time lapse)

Iron bridge and starry sky

Burning trees and starry sky

Sapporo tramway passing each other

Sapporo City Tram, A1200 Polaris

Star Trails

Winter starry sky

Winter starry sky and clouds

Winter starry sky over the lake - Effects

Starry night with the mountains reflected on the water

Starry sky at Funaya

A spectacular night with a steel bridge and a starry sky

Ursa Minor - Celestial body

A quiet starry sky with Cygnus dancing

Starry sky with Orion

Spring Big Dipper

The first star and the setting sun

Torii gates on a lake floating in the starry sky

Planisphere image of the planisphere

A mystical night with a floating torii gate and the Milky Way

Big Chipper và Cua

Mid-Autumn Moon Shade of Mimosa Tree Full Moon and Pole Star

Diurnal motion of stars in a long exposure star trail

Evening sky and crescent moon

A person walking a dog along the beach at dusk

Evening sky, crescent moon and sea

Big Dipper và Cassiopeia

Kamikochi starry sky

Arctic stars and rotation

Starry sky, Perseid meteor shower in Onijo Park

Polaris Guru Guru

Japan Northernmost Landmark (horizontal) Cape Soya

North Star and star motion / celestial bodies

Enoshima and the sea at dusk

Star trail

Plum buds nestled against the starry sky, a quiet night awaiting spring

Ursa Minor (fixed to 50 mm)

Underwater torii gate and starry sky at Ooyo Shrine

starry sky camping

Ursa Minor

Tôi có bầu trời đầy mây và đáng tiếc


Triangular tent and starlight trails

Kitano Tenman-gu Shrine (Kyoto) Sankomon

Underwater torii gate and starry sky at Ooyo Shrine

Kamikochi shooting star

Kamikochi's Big Dipper

Starry sky Guru Guru Hokkaido 10828

Starry sky

dome at night

Underwater torii gate and starry sky at Ooyo Shrine

Cassiopeia and the North Star

Cassiopeia and the North Star

The Big Dipper passing below

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and Starry Sky

Kamikochi starry sky

Statue of Liberty in Odaiba and the starry sky

northern constellation

Constellation before dawn (spring) Entering the constellation line

Star trail

Illumination of Kiguiwa Rock

Kiguiwa Rock at night

Ursa Minor

Diurnal motion of stars

Constellation before dawn (spring)

Underwater torii gate and starry sky at Ooyo Shrine

Park and Guru Guru Hokkaido 11467

Star trail

Seto Bridge and the starry sky in the north

Polaris and star movement (constellation lines)/celestial bodies

Star trail

Underwater torii gate and starry sky at Ooyo Shrine

Underwater torii gate and starry sky at Ooyo Shrine

Polaris and motion of the stars, positives, celestial objects, science

Northern Europe's starry skies

Image of the starry sky in the northern sky in winter

North Sky and Sun Week Sports

Image of the northern sky

Sunflower and starry sky Summer sky

Polaris and star movement (high resolution) - celestial bodies

starry skies

Searching for the North Star (constellation lines), Astronomical objects, Science

Guru Guru in the park Hokkaido 11466

Sunflower and starry sky Summer sky

Crescent moon and the first star

Kamikochi starry sky

Royal road omelet rice

Sunflower and starry sky Summer sky

Sunflower and starry sky Summer sky

Sunset and polar star

Crescent moon and the first star

north star

round and round photo

Searching for the North Star (constellation lines), Astronomical objects, Science

Starscape (live composite)

Starscape of Hirose Dam

Hokkaido night sky
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