Chestnut steamed yokan

Chestnut steamed yokan

Chestnut steamed yokan

potato yokan

Autumn chestnut yokan

Imo yokan

Imo yokan

Imo yokan

Autumn chestnut yokan

Steamed yokan_Oribe plate

potato yokan

Steamed yokan_wrapping paper

Steamed yokan _ Oribe plate _ cut

Uiro White

Imo yokan

Steamed yokan_Oribe plate

Steamed yokan_wooden desk

Steamed yokan_wooden desk

Water mutton and mochi cherry

Steamed yokan_wooden desk

Uiro Matcha

Uiro cherry blossom color

Uiro Matcha

Steamed Chestnut Yokan

Uiro Matcha

Uiro White

yokan on a plate

Japanese sweets

Yokan with large chestnuts

Close-up of cut chestnut yokan (right margin)

A woman's hand eating chestnut yokan (left margin)

Close-up of cut chestnut yokan (left margin)

A woman's hand eating chestnut yokan (right margin)

Uiro cherry blossom color


Uiro White

Uiro cherry blossom color

Uiro White

Uiro cherry blossom color

Uiro cherry blossom color

Japanese sweets _ Yokan 01

Japanese confectionery _ Yokan 02

Japanese confectionery _ Yokan 03

Matsuba Yokan 3

Matsuba Yokan 4

Spring Japanese sweets

Súp dê nước 3

Siberia siberia

Súp dê nước 4

Súp ngỗng nước 6


Sweet potato jelly

Persimmon yokan

Funawa Main Store

Two people

Matcha Yokan and Camellia 1

Matcha Yokan and Camellia 4

Matcha Yokan and Camellia 3

Matcha Yokan and Camellia 2


Yokan Yokan Japanese Sweets Sweets

Matcha yokan

New Year's food packed in a tiered box

New Year's food packed in a tiered box

Matcha yokan in the new tea season with black letters

Matcha yokan

Steamed sheep

Japanese sweets, autumn 3

Japanese sweets, autumn 2

Japanese sweets, autumn 1

Take a break with sweet sake and sweet potato yokan

Matcha yokan in the new tea season

Matcha water yokan

Yonezu Yokan

Yonezu Yokan

Sheep roe

Chestnut yokan

Handmade yokan

Matcha yokan

Yonezu Yokan

Autumn chestnut yokan

Green tea and Japanese sweets


A stream of water yokan

Spring Japanese sweets

Yonezu Yokan

Sheep roe

Chestnut Yokan _ White Japanese Tableware _ Character space

Tama Yokan

Ishigaki's salted yokan

amber sugar

Chestnut yokan

Chestnut yokan and Japanese tableware_character space

Spring Japanese sweets

Yonezu Yokan

Imo yokan

Whale yokan

Chestnut Yokan_White Japanese Tableware

Ishigaki's salted yokan
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